“May we never have to ‘defend ourselves’.
Nor ever , have to carry the weight of warnings
and the fear of being judged or blamed.
We assert our right to live defenceless.
Sexual violence can no longer be justified. ”

I Never Ask For It
2004- ongoing.

"I feel safe when I am heard. I feel safe when I am not judged. I feel safe when I don't have to justify, defend, explain, defend, over and over and over again.
I, Action Shero, am your safe space, as you are mine."
This holds a mirror to the truth that women and girls are raised in an environment of warning that repeatedly justifies sexual violence against them. I Never Ask For It is a mission to end victim blame by building testimonies of clothing.
Action Sheroes are revisiting memory, recalling a time they experienced sexual assault, discrimination or injustice. They are building I Never Ask For It by bringing the garment worn at the time of experience. The garment is memory, witness, voice. In 2023, ten thousand garments will stand united in sites of public significance.
Action Sheroes,also women, girls and persons just like you and me, unite.
“If it serves you in anyway, share your #INeverAskForIt testimonial. We are listening. ”
Listen. I Never Ask For It.
Listen is a podcast series by the #INeverAskForIt Mission. Each episode has been recorded in group settings across sites and geographies, in the form of 'listening circles'. It brings together survivors of sexual violence, you and me, across varying degrees and identities to speak, be heard and believed.
The podcast is an invitation to process internalised victim blame and shame. Listen to Listen, to build connection and solidarity.
Listen to Listen , to own the words #INeverAskForIt