

image source- viral on facebook

NDTV investigates Guwahati Mob Molestation. Watch video here

Akhil Gogoi an RTI activist has said that the molestation was 'planned and directed'.
He also said that the reporter was off duty and part of the mob.

Managing editor of Newslive was present when the mob started attacking the teenaged girl. He denies being involved in the attack and is backed up by Newslive. Newslive broadcast the video on their channel and added it to youtube.

Mob with Faces

Are these mobs of 'men'? This is not manhood.
This is inhuman- vicious, harsh, cruel, merciless, brutal.

Am in 2 minds about posting the video. The footage reveals the following

1.  The camera wasn't hidden. It even had a light attached to it. They didn't care about being 'caught' on camera; on the contrary they seem to have their performance on display.  
2. The mob identifies the faces of the perpetrators.  4 have been arrested so far.
3. The video is an assault .  It could also be argued as the dilemma of 'documentary' footage. While we would not have experienced this shock without the footage , we can't help but question why the camera person didn't do more- if we could assume he/she was the only person with reason in this mob. Who shot this footage? Can anyone connect us to the camera person so that we interview this person? 
4. Mobs and intervention. What would stop this behaviour at that time? Police? You? Me?  
A counter 'peace mob'? And or  constant working on the simple attitude that street harassment is every body's business. It's not 'just a women issue'. ( more on 'whose issue' in the next post) 
We will examine case studies relating to mob behaviour and immediate successful intervention. To begin that we will document mob led attacks. If you know of someone working in this area - please do connect us right away.

We don't recommend you watching the footage unless you promise to be disgusted , outraged, sickened ,shocked, saddened and angered and importantly urged towards changing the scene. 
But ,what if you were there?