
Donate Support Enable . Blank Noise

Dear Donor and Friend of Blank Noise,

A big thank you in advance for your interest in supporting us.

Blank Noise was registered as a charitable trust in November 2015 and its 80G tax exemption certificates ( certificates that grant donor and donee tax exemption) are being processed. The 80G certificates for any donation will be sent as soon as possible, and we will confirm the receipt of any donation immediately.

Your contribution will enable us to achieve our goals between now and February 2017. We will also email in the annual calendar and budget for anyone interested.  We are grateful for the financial support you offer. Your donation, however big or small is much appreciated.

Blank Noise is building a series of projects , all geared towards mobilising citizens and individuals, working with a network of allies, ending sexual and gender based violence. On December 2nd , Action Heroes, ie. citizens and individuals, in India and beyond will 'Walk Alone' in places they fear , in an attempt to reclaim space, occupy and arrest fear. Date.

We will also publish 'Reporting To Remember' this December ; an archive of incidents of violence that have been justified by those in power, through a process of victim blame.

'Meet To Sleep' brings  Action Heroes across geographies to tackle fear by taking a nap in their public park.
This event will take place on January 15, 2017 across multiple sites.

Our I Never Ask For It clothes archive , along with audio testimonials, will continue to move forward, and include testimonials, in multiple languages. Survivors of of sexual and gender based violence, don't report because they feel judged ,shamed and blamed for experiencing it.  I Never Ask For It provides a safe space to report , share, heal and arrest attitudes justifying violence.

To do one and all of these events, we need a small and steady full time team. Our team requirements include manager, sound editor, accountant, book keeper, research  and documentation, archivist, communication, coder, programmer, and more!

This a link to our donation form.
Detailed three month budget sheet linked here

To know more about Blank Noise, as reported by the press, here is the link

Thank you for your generosity. Incase of any questions and clarifications, please reach us at 91.9886840612 and

Yours truly,
Blank Noise Team

Small Step. To Tweet

Your tweet can raise funds for Blank Noise
It's a quick and simple process.
One tweet from you brings Blank Noise Rs.100. You can tweet up to 6 times 
Calling Action Heroes  here . It doesn't work unless you tweet from that link itself.

Here's how you can endorse our work:
Tweet 1> the tweet mentioned in the template
Tweet 2 upto Tweet 6 > tell why you support Blank Noise
or feel free to refer to the template below
" I support Blank Noise for increasing awareness about street sexual harassment"
"I support Blank Noise for making me believe, I Never Ask For It "
"I support Blank Noise for rejecting blame. No excuse for sexual violence I Never Ask For It "
"I support Blank Noise Action Heroes for occupying the city, fearless."
" I stand a proud #ActionHero "
" I support Blank Noise for establishing it's never eveteasing. It's sexual violence"
The link adds its own #tweet4change hashtag

One tweet goes a long way. 
A big huge thank you for your support

This event has been built by Jaago Re to support six organisations addressing violence against women.

In solidarity
Blank Noise Action Heroes


you saw it happen

you walked away

you saw it happen
you intervened

you might have seen someone else experience
street sexual harassment/ violence/ or being 'eve teased'

did you support the survivor?
did you walk away?
what made you react?

what made you indifferent?

you might find this form of use- or you could simply email in the incident.
e: blurtblanknoise at gmail dot com